Education is both the mean and end to better life. We work toward importing quality education, training teachers and help in communities to run schools. YOU can empower the children to live their dreams and help them realize their right to development by funding their education.
We work to prevent the children from being exploited and trafficked into commercial sex and child labour. We take a positive and hopeful approach. Our Program focuses on the vulnerable children; aiming at their safety and well-being. Working hand-in-hand with few other oraganization, we strive to creating lasting change with improvements in policy to protect the children and oldage-people. YOU can play a big role in helping us protect children and oldage-people from abuse, neglect and exploitation.
We work with communities and the government health systems to reduce preventable deaths, fight under-nutrition, improve new vorn and material health care.
We improve across to basic health care facilities, impact health education, ensure immunization and advocate for the implementation of the integrated child Development scheme.
Training for Self Employment of Women
In order to cater to the needs of destitute, orphan, widow, deserted wife and women in distress the Department have set up the three training centres to provide vocational skills and training in knitting, tailoring, embroidery and weaving so as to enable them to be self supported and self employed.